The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing

Stop for a minute. Close your eyes. Envision a boutique hotel room. What do you feel? Tranquility. Calm. Clarity. It is a clutter-free oasis with carefully curated treasures and thoughtful touches of design. There is no environmental noise and your mind can fully rest.

What if I told you that you could have a home you didn’t feel like you needed to escape from? Imagine a home where you are surrounded only by things that spark joy. I can assure you that this is possible and is available to anyone.


Life-changing magic

The KonMari Method™ is a wildly popular systematic approach to decluttering and organizing from Japan. Invented by Marie Kondo, this proven method has already touched thousands of lives around the world.

This complete life reset is a one-time event. Your personal tidying festival can be completed in less than six months or as little as a week. During that time, your mindset about how you acquire things will completely change. You will never rebound.



White Bloom Tidying

I am your personal guide through the life-changing magic, known as the KonMari method.

I conduct in-person at-home tidying lessons in southern New Hampshire. Lessons are five hours each. We work through categories in the specific order outlined by the KonMari method™: Clothing, Books, Papers, Komono (misc items), and Sentimentals.

The amount of lessons you will need to complete the process depends on how much stuff you have, how easily you are able to check what sparks joy, and how many assignments you are willing to do on your own. I will be able to approximate the number of lessons needed to complete the process after your initial lesson.












What they are saying

“I always felt burdened when I saw how much clothing I owned.  Since Tara helped me, I feel so much lighter. Every day my life seems to be changing for the better and I feel confident now.” -Client O, Japan

“For me, I thought that having certain possessions gave me a sense of accomplishment. As I was guided through the process I learned how having these possessions actually repressed my sense of joy. Lessons learned have filtered into other parts of my life. Having gone through the process, it has provided me with an increased sense of freedom and “joy” that has improved my quality of life. Decisions to acquire things are now put through a different thought process.” -Client G, Florida